Friday, April 13, 2012

Another date time selection request

Question was posed for date time for given house and owner using another date selection system. Let us do a brief analysis using Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection.

30th May 2012, 5-7 AM GMT+8, Longitude 120

Hr Day Mth Year Owner Door facing
Xin Xin Yi Ren Ren Wu
Mao Mao Si Chen Xu Zi
2 2 7 6 4 7
3 3 3 4 4 4

Slightly above average date because that the year Xuan Kong gua qi 6 spoiled the nice 2,7 hetu combination and it will 45 days later. Well we cannot change the year pillar.

The strong point is the user and house has affinity with the date time and that upgrades it to a good date for the owner and house. Modify message

There should be similar or better dates during the same time period.

And with a modest computer and home brew Xuan Kong Da Gua date selection software utility, life is made simpler.

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