Saturday, August 10, 2013

Zi Wei Software - Lunar Calendar Experimental

It is very easy to calculate the lunar calendar given a solar calendar.  The converse may not be true. 

Most Zi Wei applications in the market side step the problem by providing combo boxes, 99% got the feature wrong because they neglect to take into consideration the following

1)Intercalary month aka leap month
2)Days in a month, usually 29 or 30 but never 31.

This is my preferred method, well it is still experimental and may not make it for the 2013 Autumn Feature Pack!

In this case, you type in the solar year, month and day and the calendar will show you the entire lunar days for the month.

To denote the month, I used the Chinese character 七月 which is perhaps not a good idea because English readers will be confused.  If Roman numerals are used e.g. VII, the Chinese readers will be confused.

Ah, perhaps the combo box idea is not bad, but I need to think of a good way to show the intercalary month and yes, take care the 31 days bug.

This is the classic 'catch 22' case.  It is just as bad as democracy, favouring one locale alienates another locale.

By the way, since we are at the topic of date selection, you will notice the gender information render a 'potent limitation' for the Zi Wei system.  This implies at least in general date selection, Zi Wei system may be placed at a disadvantage because you cannot ignore the gender information.

In Mathematics or Engineering, similar situations do occur.  You will realize that it is more about using the correct tool or method to solve a problem off hand.


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