Saturday, March 8, 2014

Qi Men Dun Jia's 天网四张 (Heavenly Nets)

天网四张 is indeed a strange formation and most knowledgeable Qi Men Dun Jia blokes will avoid it like a plague and defer big decisions or events a few hours thereafter.
Any decent Qi Men text will mention 天网四张 and common sense will tell you that if there are other unsavory elements, that hour should be avoided.
MH370 disappeared from Malaysian radar at 1:30 a.m on 8th Mar 2014.
Hour stem in a palace with many inauspicious elements, including 天网四张, Geng+Gui aka 小格 . 

Note that the Ba Men or Eight Doors are in their original locations and it is known as 'Fu Yin' 八门伏呤. 

Plane has probably crashed into the seas.


Franziska Kölbel said...

where can I find your Qimen Dunjia software?
Best to you, Franziska

BK said...


It is a paid app.

Actually when I plotted the chart, the time stem was in North west.

I thought, impossible, plane was flying north east from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and it lost contact at Gulf of Thailand, north east from KL airport, so I ignore that and concentrate on the bad timing.

Today, conclusive news came that the plane was hijacked and it flew to the Indian Ocean, that will put it at north west, hence fitting the chart nicely.
