Wednesday, November 11, 2015

New introductory book on Si Hua Zi Wei

I am pleased to announce an English book on the basic principles of Si Hua Zi Wei Dou Shu.

Written in simple English, the book attempts to bring the often arcane art of Si Hua Zi Wei to the non-mandarin readers and absolute beginners for this subject.

There is a subtle departure of the stars description.  Most authors will defer to using entities from 封神演义.  However the author has chosen to use a more modern and updated abstraction to describe the stars.  The illustrations will provide a useful aid to help users to remember the stars' attributes.

There is ample and concise information of the 18 major stars and their placements in the various aspects.


The book has a complementary copy basic edition of the Si Hua charting software. 

Email the author with attached receipt for a free download of the basic edition of the chart plotting software.


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