Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blending Bazi and Zi Wei ......

Charts preferably should be analysed using simple standard methods, avoiding the need to use obscure or complex convolutions.
Blending methods may be useful in some cases as it offer interesting insights.  The ends may sometimes justify the means of using different methods.

In this chart, we can see that the subject at hand does possess some natal talent, birth year Hua Lu Ju Men in Self palace...

Can it be unlocked despite the weakness in the Self palace?
Now let us use Bazi as a short cut for clues......any bazi old hands will notice the three sets of strong pillars after age 40.....


Confidentially note decade self has Hua Lu to decade career.

Applying Hua Lu flight again from the decade career palace, there is a Hua Lu to 2009.......

An excellent day for the day master to showcase her talents!

And the rest is history!!  Now who is going to do the Qi Men part?

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